Family Firsts in Charleston

by Kristine
(Charleston, SC)

Let's get this party started! Here are a few of my own pics to share of the family in Charleston.

My daughter's first trip to Folly Beach on Memorial Day. You can see she is enjoying the view immensely!

The first snowfall my daughter witnessed in Charleston (it's a rare thing... but we got a dusting this year). The snow actually stuck around long enough to build a mini-snowman. At that time Frosty was her 'idol' since Christmas had just passed. Once we put a face on the snowman, it came to life for her. She never let go of him and kept saying "Hi Frofy, Hi Frofy, Hi Frofy." So dog gone cute!

A first family outing to the Charleston Farmer's Market... new baby in tow. I also realized I don't have any pictures of my son out and about... I need to work on that. (poor second child!)

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